As an educator who deeply believes in the power of story, I blend narratives of my own experience with teaching points to share what has cultivated my on-going growth that I hope will support you in your own journey. Grounded in my identity as His beloved daughter, I celebrate God's goodness woven throughout my life as a testimony to the way He creates each of us as unique and unrepeatable. Come along as I share the story of my soul. My prayer is that it encourages you to reflect more deeply on your story and that it inspires you to support others in doing the same.

A man walking through a field

The Pace of Intimacy

April 06, 20243 min read

Starting something new ignites a fire of excitement within me. Once the trajectory towards a vision has begun, I tend to immerse myself and race ahead. I view the road map or list out a plan. I systematically make progress. I focus on both what I am working towards and savoring the journey in the process. Under the surface, there are so many different factors that influence this drive - passion for projects, a love of learning, the joy of being in a state of flow, a sense of urgency, the desire to have one more building block to the bigger picture I perceive in place...

Yet, in this season of life, rather than a sense of consistent intensity, He has been teaching me to vary the pace. He has been showing me that more than any of these aspects, at the core, it is about relationship with Him. Rather than completing the project or enacting the vision as the primary purpose, the greatest gift is the time spent along the way. Through those interactions, He reveals evermore clearly who He is. He deepens the truths of my inherent worth and dignity, healing the areas in which I have learned to place my identity and worth in my accomplishments. Though I still have natural inclinations to drive myself hard, He is inviting me to reconsider.

From that place of on-going Christ-centered healing, rooted and grounded in His love, little by little He reveals more about how He uniquely created me. Along the way, it does not always make sense. Detours can seem counter-intuitive. At times, the work is fragmented and slow. Nonetheless, with time seemingly disconnected pieces are woven together. Other times, layers move quickly and different pieces click into place. The clarity of God's plans for me is invigorating. In those moments, it is easier to trust - when everything is comparatively smooth and making sense.

Yet, it is often in those moments when He invites me to slow down, that He reminds me of His design for the pace to vary. Whether racing or resting, it is about moving at the pace of intimacy. It is about trusting in His consistent presence in my life and valuing relationship with Him. It is about recognizing when the pace is so fast and constant that I am not allowing space to acknowledge Him.

Starting as a whisper, as He heals it echoes louder - intentional relationship with Him is the metric that matters most. It is not about accomplishing as much as I can, maximizing every second. It is about what I accomplish with Him - allowing Him to reveal the timing of moments of work and rest, of giving and receiving, of being healed and of nurturing others. I can have confidence that what He chooses to complete (or not) within the span of my life is intentional. He has begun a good work in me, and He will complete it (Philippians 1:6). If it really matters within the scope of how my life fits into the grand arc of salvation history, He will accomplish it. With that knowledge, regardless of the pace, I can rest in Him.

I am Yours, Lord. I place my life in Your hands. Thank You for grounding the work You have in mind for me upon the foundation of Your love. I trust in Your guidance. Lead me, Lord. Show me the path and the pace.

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Within this blog and website, unless otherwise noted, all excerpts from Sacred Scripture and the Lectionary for the Mass are as follows:

Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No portion of this text may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

"I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it." -Philippians 1:6